Paean To a Church Made of Stone
Of the myriad rituals in which we humans partake, great and small, one of my very favorites is the act of coming together, often in the...
You know those few times when you've stupidly forgotten to take off the parking brake as you jump in your car, and you get about 10 feet...
Dialogue Part One: Reaching Out To Say Hello
Alright. I have a confession to make. A normal, slightly ironic, very obvious, completely understandable sidenote about myself. For as...
Music, Our Lover: The Restoration of Trust Through Altered States of Being
Much of what we experience today as individuals falls into a predictable bandwidth of emotion. We are mostly happy enough, though not...
El Deseo
17 April 2014 And so it was that I went to see Lit off with fond emptyness and those faint sketches of spain And how the music hit hard...
Reverence, the Only Natural Response: We Have Simply Lost Our Way
It wasn't entirely our fault, surely. We honed our reverence-craft over thousands of years, across the scope of everything we knew and...
Fine. Do it again. Playing music, up all night again, seemed important. Forgot to do something, did it anyway, did it wrong. Do it again....
Swear to Christ I'm not making this up. JUMPA! BUMPA! WHUMPAA THUMPA!! It is 12:23 in the am. AM stands for "ante meridiem." I am in a...
Had to be another slow ride creeping back on slow roads to a home too far away from here to even feel like a home. Had to be back with...