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Change Gon' Come

I was born by the river, in a little tent, oooh and just like the river, I been a-runnin' ever since. It's been a long, a long time comin', but I know, a change gonna come.

Finally. ...Finally. Let me just tell you what I think is really going on here, at this time in our history.

I think they're running scared as all fuck. I think the Bush and Clinton dynasties see the writing on the wall in their own blue reptilian blood, and despite their most blatant ham-fisted strongarming of the public—coin-tossing/push-polling/smear attack ad-running maleficence—they cannot insure their own desired treacherous outcome 100%. They are terrified because they don't hold all the cards; a few slipped out of their hands while they were busy using 'em to slaughter and silence innocent people all the way from here to Freedonia (“Hail, Hail, Freedonia!”). Also I think the Trump campaign is so inflated and high on its own steaming toupéed bullshit that it can't help but break apart and come crashing down. Nobody likes a bigoted asshole.

Not even other assholes.

So, where are we now then? Well interestingly, I feel that things are beginning to resemble another beloved time in our nation's history, maybe even a couple times. The last time was about exactly a half-century past, give or take a few years, when the people rose up and through the power of love and song and the might of their joy, nearly succeeded in toppling over the establishment and rewriting the rules. Between Hendrix, Martin Luther King, Jr., and JFK, they were like that close. It was only through some slim-shady bullshit COINTELPRO agent-provocateurism that they managed to hold onto the reigns and get back onto the yellow brick road. Then of course, the Empire Struck Back (hard) and the CIA introduced crack and meth and heroin and all the other killer drugs into the inner cities, created the ghettos and the rampant poverty, and set up the entertainment industry to really start mind-controlling us in earnest, and militarized our police, and you know, now we got Google and Snowden and all the rest of it.

The time before that, well as I recall there was some kind of revolutionary vibe sweeping our little nation just about 250 years ago.

And wouldn't you know it that just coincidentally all the heavenly bodies are lining up right now exactly as they did then? I mean you can't make this stuff up.

Still, the establishment has plotted and planned, maneuvered and handled and rigged and bullied its wat through all these years. “Never again!” vowed the powers-that-be. “We'll lead these sheeple to the slaughter yet!”

But now it's happening again. And they know it. I think the humanitarian mission is kicking ass right now—not just politically, the lesser part merely dictated by the terms of an undoubtedly rigged election process, but the greater part, deeply embedded in the hearts and souls of the people who don't buy the hype and the rhetoric anymore. The human element—us—is kicking ass. And despite all their strongarm tactics, they're discovering that the sheeple might not be altogether so sheeply after all. The lies don't work no mo, guys. We see Hillary's fake plastered rictus grin and Jeb's bought-and-paid-for staged rallying charade, and we are calling a spade a spade here, and in this case the spade blows.

“Fuck off!” cry the people—many of us who can really see what's going on—as one.

Because the fact is, they've known something since Eisenhower that many of us proles over here kickin' it on Team Humanity are only just beginning to realize ourselves: that they are fighting an uphill battle, going against the Cosmic grain of truth in order to constantly deceive and zombify us, and it's taking an incredible toll on them. They're running out of steam, out of resources, and out of rope.

You can't fly in the face of all that is good and holy for so long and not expect some consequences. Sorry to break it to ya, you Illumi-Jesuit-Zionist oligarch fuckwads. That's just the truth.

I read an article yesterday detailing how the new Windows OS has been programmed to map users' keystrokes and log everything they type on their home computers, and store it, along with all their biometrics and other data tirelessly mined from every digital footprint we all leave anywhere ever, on a massive server bank at NSA HQ. Well, good, says I. Let 'em know what we're writing, says I. Let 'em read all my cooky conspiracy emails and see what's on my mind. I say, let them work their twisted techno-sadist bullshit and see how far they get. Let 'em come. It's not just me. People know the game is afoot. We figured it out: we're actually pretty smart sheeples after all. They didn't count on that happening, you see. And they waged a heavy war against us over generations, on every front. They put poison in our water, pumped chemicals into our air, redesigned our food to make damn sure it would make us fat, slow, and stupid. They fuck with our weather and our mental health any way they can. Well, perhaps they missed a few of us, us organic-produce-eating, nature-loving, music-playing, book-reading, algebra-understanding, critically-thinking free spirits who were smart enough not to fall for the “peace and security” rhetoric.

You know it's the same as it ever was. There's only ever been one fight throughout our history. One—same one. All our struggles for freedom, for equality, for respect and dignity, for peace, for love, have always been the same struggle. All people, all moments in history, are united. With in one voice, and with one goal. Black and white?—just another Berlin wall. Pop culture, rape culture, war culture, man you don't even have to choose your favorite suffrage anymore. Just go outside. Shit, you don't even have to do that. Turn on the TV. See all the rich assholes parading around like they give a singular flyin' rat's-ass monkeyfuck about you or your family. Look at Flint. Look at Ferguson, look at Baltimore. Look at these corrupt bastards, pointin' their plastic fingers every which-where and talking straight out their greasy asses.

Well guys, speaking for the people here...we just don't care anymore, man. Get lost.

I truly believe that this is something else, something very new and very dangerous to their agenda, and they know it. They've seen it before, and they remember how the last time around they almost lost all their precious control over the world. But last time we didn't have the internet. Last time we didn't have instantaneous sharing of information the great world wide. And people are fed up. They know they were lied to. They know that our banks are insolvent and that homelessness and poverty and unemployment is through the roof and our wars of aggression were for nothing other than making shit-tons of cash and Obamacare is a charade and the killer cops are NOT our friends anymore and Wall St. has become a ravening pestilence and that if we don't change this shit there will be no tomorrow to work towards making great again.

And good for us. We are the people, after all, in We the People, and this is our home. So let's see what happens at the polls today.


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